Secure Code Review
Review codes for all sorts of application functionalities before deploying them into the production environment.

Service Overview:
Secure code review is the process of reviewing the code manually and using automated tools to identify any flaws in the application. The goal of the code review is to identify business logic flaws, implementation of various specifications, and existing vulnerabilities in the application.
Benefits of the code review:
- Allows to ensure the secure SDLC has been implemented
- Allows to ensure best coding techniques are used to maintain a good security posture
- Finding vulnerabilities in business logic, insecure logging practices, some of which are not possible to find via traditional pentesting methods
- Helps to identify privacy related issues.
Standards & Methodologies
CBL follows standards like OWASP top 10-2021, Sans25/CWE Top 25. The assessment evaluates the infrastructure from an external attacker’s perspective and tests against best practice criteria to validate security mechanisms and identify potential loopholes in the system. The assessment was conducted in accordance with the recommendations outlined in the Open Web application Security Project (OWASP) and Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS).
The testing methodology will be based on OWASP Secure coding Practices checklist (Secure Coding Practices – Quick Reference Guide (
Tools used for Secure Code review:
- SonarQube & Sonar Scanner
- Mobsf framework
- Check Marx
Code Review Services
Secure Code Review
Optimise and secure your code before deployment into production environments.
> Review of SaaS code for cybersecurity
> Identify the gaps and fix before deployment
> Automated and manual reviews
> Solutions for fixing identified gaps
Bake cybersecurity practices into your organization’s CI/CD pipelines.
> Azure and AWS Security
> Apigee and API Security
> Containers and Kubernetes Security
> Secure code reviews
Bespoke Code Review
Code review practice will ensure that there are different types of organizations which are involved in the security deployment of the code.
Code review - All level
With API’s ruling the planet code reviews are important in ensuring that the code at all levels is secure and resilient.
- AWS and Azure code
- API Authentication and Testing
- Webhooks security
- Vendor and third part code
Continuous Code Review
Code review on a realtime basis is adopted by mature organizations and happens to secure periodic changes to code on a near realtime basis.
Turnkey solutions
Code review results will present solutions which are actionable and meet the business objectives. Discuss the solutions with the teams and ensure security of the hosted application deployments.
Our Approach
Understanding the application logic and business functionality is the scrum zero. This helps in creating test cases for carrying out the review of the critical areas of the code.
Code review similar to application penetration testing requires the selection of test cases to identify which parts of the application are exposed and has to be secured.
Automated code review with very specific configurations and findings will be done followed by manual reviews, which our teams love. This will help identify all the critical areas which need relevant action.
This is a step where a list of the solutions for the findings from the testing methods. The solutions will obviously be prioritised based on functionality and ease of fix.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating and the reports we make are a vindication of the work we do. The report will have a POC of all the points and the recommended solutions for your fixes.
It can identify issues in the application which cannot be identified by other means like pentesting. It also helps developers to learn and understand secure coding practices.
If you’re looking for a compliance, some compliances like PA-DSS mandates a secure code review. If that is not the case, it usually is recommended to perform VAPT along with the code review. Both the activities go hand in hand to identify and quantify risks based on impact and exploitability.
It is recommended to perform the secure code review after every major change.