Crossbow Labs

Managed Cybersecurity Office

Have your cybersecurity portfolio managed entirely, by expert cybersecurity teams. Deal with customer requirements and periodic cyber security responsibilities with the arsenal of teams from Crossbow Labs. 

ISMS Policies | VA & PT | Secure Code | Compliance | Certifications


Managing cyber security portfolios in tech starups and organisations often require enterprise level technologies and processes to be implemented at scale. Becoming a customer for global companies involves, creating & maintaining a globally competent information security management system. 

Aligning an organizations to compliance programs and adhering to standards, will help in building customer confidence in the processes followed. This requires a dedicated team to maintain and monitor cybersecurity on an evolving basis. 

Crossbow Labs Managed Cybersecurity services offers an array of solutions which can be leveraged on rather than having to build an entire cybersecurity portfolio in each company. 

Why Managed cybersecurity ?

Just so you can focus on your core competencies. Building cybersecurity skillset and portfolios are often time taking and highly skill oriented verticals. An outsourced model to Crossbow Labs makes sense to enable us to secure your core skillset with our core skillset. 

Managed cybersecurity - services

compliance management

The story of cybersecurity begins after the compliance program. Manage your compliance in the most optimal manner.


> Monthly and Quarterly Maintenance

> Internal Audits 

> Training and Awareness 

> VA & PT Management 

> Cybersecurity Risk Management

Internal Security audit & support

The story of cybersecurity begins after the compliance program. Manage your compliance in the most optimal manner.


> Policies & Procedures

> Audit support 

> Training and Awareness

> Cybersecurity Project Management

> Cybersecurity Risk Management


Independent 3rd party validation

Validate your organization cyber security posture outside compliance mandates and client requirements. 


> Network & Application Security 

> Compliance Adherence 

> Process Adherence

> Unbiased Reporting

> Compliance Management Tool

Bespoke cybersecurity services

There are specific cybersecurity services for each organization. The processes deployed for complying with legal and regulatory requirements, practices for customer and client requirements are very specific to an organization. 

Managed Cybersecurity Offerings

Crossbow Labs teams can help create a portfolio of cybersecurity services which suits your specific needs. 

Compliance Management

The compliance management for an organization can be fully outsourced for maintaining the periodic schedules and continuous adherence to GRC requirements. 

Top leadership representation

Representation to top leadership and participation from organization teams is a very integral part of managing a compliance program. The managed cybersecurity teams have a vast experience by virtue of being the assessors for various compliance program. 

Managed Cybersecurity approaches

Compliance - RFQ's - Guidance - Assurance - TPP - Everything

Create a custom Cybersecurity program for your organization. Cherry pick your objectives and allow cybersecurity to drive business objectives.

1. Managed Cybersecurity Objectives

Setting the context for the organization to identify the objectives and create the plan for managing cybersecurity.

2. Compliance Adherence

The compliance programs applicable to the organization will be established and included in the plan.

3. Program Management

The team headed by a CISO will drive the program based on the objectives set. Specialist teams from Crossbow Labs, for different requirements, will be included as required.

4. Teams & reporting

Progress will be tracked on a weekly basis and the the reporting will be done on the compliance management tool to all the teams involved in meeting the cybersecurity objectives.

5. Awareness & Internal Audit

Cybersecurity awareness and internal audits will be conducted on a scheduled basis.

6. Prioritised Approach

The prioritised approach for cybersecurity will be reviewed and addressed on a periodic basis.

Why CBL ?


Absolutely ! The MCSO program is aimed at providing growth stage companies, expert advise on cybersecurity requirements and manage the entire program. Crossbow Labs has fully qualified teams, providing advisory to various  enterprise clients and MCSO leverages on that.

This is the main function of the MCSO. All MCSO projects will be based on specific regulatory requirements/compliance objectives. This makes the effort culminate in a globally endorsed cybersecurity centric standard.  

The MCSO service will be headed by a seasoned CISO who will oversee all the cybersecurity requirements of an organization based on the objectives. Many ancillary services required to run a cybersecurity portfolio, such as Vulnerability Assessments, Penetration Testing, IT Risk Management, etc. can also be factored into the MCSO offering. 

Talk With an Expert

Learn more about how crossbow labs can help protect your business. Contact us today.