Crossbow Labs

hipaa compliance

Service providers who deal with the Personal Health Information should adhere to these standards to ensure that the data is protected. 

  • Assessor Type
  • Applicability
  • Validity
  • Governing Body
  • Data Type
  • Regions
  • 3DS QSA
  • 3DS Provider
  • 3 Years
  • PIN, CVV
  • Global
Network Security


App Security


Periodic VA & PT






HIPAA and HITECH regulations have been designed keeping patient privacy and confidentiality in mind.  Organisations dealing with protected health information (PHI) must ensure that all the requirements outlined in the HIPAA and HITECH Acts are implemented.

Covered Entities includes organisations dealing with health plans, working as healthcare clearing houses or service providers who conduct electronic transactions related to third-party billing. Business Associates are organisations who engage with Covered Entities for specific services and as a result have access to healthcare / patient related data.

This legal framework applies to all companies across the globe that collect, and process healthcare data of patients who are citizens of USA.

Any organisation, whether you are a Covered Entity (CE) or a Business Associate (BA), dealing with Protected Health Information (PHI) should have all the security measures – Physical, Network and Processes, to ensure compliance with HIPAA guidelines.

HIPAA and HITECH acts have mandatory compliance requirements. Aligning with the regulation allows you to:

  • Demonstrate your commitment towards privacy to your clients
  • Safeguards the Protected Health Information from loss, theft, manipulations
  • Saves from paying huge penalties on non-compliance

Any organisation, whether you are a Covered Entity (CE) or a Business Associate (BA), dealing with Protected Health Information (PHI) should have all the security measures – Physical, Network and Processes, to ensure compliance with HIPAA guidelines.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted in 1996 by the US government and provides the rules and regulations for protecting privacy of Patient Health Information (PHI – Protected Health Information) and security of Electronic records stored or transmitted by a Covered Entity or their Business Associates.


Committing to patient data protection is no longer a choice but a mandatory requirement to conduct business in the healthcare sector.

Our Privacy team has successfully led through several complex HIPAA audits and third party assessments. We have the expertise and experience to help you meet your privacy objectives.


Crossbow Labs’ team of techno – legal consultants have carefully devised and customized a HIPAA training course. In line with your business needs and objectives, our training courses will help your organization to:


We also offer support services to help address all the technical roadblocks towards HIPAA Compliance.

Bespoke advisory Solutions

We understand silver bullet approach wont help at all, we provide customized solutions to make sure that you implement HIPPA Controls effectively in your environment.

industry experience

Our decades of experience in various industry has enabled us to address three identifiers:

Compliance Management tool

Our Automated approach in providing report, exchanging documents and workflow management saves lot efforts and keeps us away from audit fatigue 

Comprehensive Services

Being a full service vendor of HIPPA, we provide all the auxiliary services needed to be HIPPA standards Compliant, Our consulting support will be there even after HIPPA Compliance.

Our Approach

1. Gap Assessment

We get started by performing a gap assessment to identify gaps concerning Physical, Network, and Processes safeguards vis-a vis the requirements outlined in the HIPAA regulation.

2. Risk Assessment

We will perform an evaluation of your risk register to understand the risk scenarios, risk scores and evaluate the efficacy of the risk treatment plan to reduce risks to acceptable levels

3. Controls Implementation

Based on our evaluation of the risk register and the gaps identified, we will provide process and procedural recommendations for meeting the requirements of the HIPAA regulation. We will assist you in redesigning essential policies and procedures related to data protection and security.

4. HIPAA Compliance Audit

We will assist you in designing essential policies and procedures related to data protection, consent, subject access request, privacy notice, and relevant forms. We will facilitate the setting up Data Protection Office, Data Breach Incident Management desk, Consent Management desk, and related workflows.

5. HIPAA Compliance Report

On successful completion of the HIPAA audit, we will issue a comprehensive report which you can share with your customers or business partners to showcase your commitment and seriousness to protecting patient privacy.

Why CBL?


There are three major components of HIPPA:

  • Privacy: Privacy is one of the most important factors to protect the confidentiality of PHI (protected health information) for the organization working in healthcare.
  • Security: These are the security measures that the healthcare organization should keep in mind to protect PHI particularly, for electronic PHI.
  • Breach Notification: Breach Notification indicates the process of reporting the breach and to whom the organization has to notify in case of a breach like Health and human services (HSS), impacted individuals, and the media if required.

Yes, in certain conditions one can be punished i.e.

  • Obtaining fake PHI: Imprisonment up to 5years
  • Negligence: Imprisonment up to 1 year
  • The malicious intent of the organization or individual: Imprisonment up to 10 years.
  • Identity theft committed by the employees: Imprisonment of 2 years

It is important because HIPPA tells the procedure to the organization that how they can comply with the privacy, security, and breach notification.

Talk With an Expert

Learn more about how crossbow labs can help protect your business. Contact us today.