Crossbow Labs


Organizing Incident Management

Cyber Criminals understand most of the organizations have their employees working from home, so they are using new different ways to find vulnerabilities, or to extort money. The launch of Covid-19-themed attacks in the

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What is the Right SAQ for You?

Introduction Payment Brands have categorised merchants into four different levels (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4) according to the volume of transactions they carried out every year. Merchants are required to

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Stepping up the Game with SOC

In today’s world Cyberthreat poses a business challenge for all enterprises. Irrespective of the size of business , a security operations center (SOC) should be a crucial part of every organization to identify and

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Cloud Adoption & BFSI

Swati Anuj Arya is a  Financial Services Compliance Specialist with one of the leading cloud service providers in the world. She helps many organizations across India in fulfilling their compliance requirements

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How the lockdown enabled us to ‘up our game’ on remote working

The COVID 19 pandemic has pushed businesses across countries, to relook at their preparedness to stir through a ripple effect situation. Operationally, businesses in every industry always have their BCPs and contingency

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