Crossbow Labs


We love the cybersecurity space. 

We are constantly innovating and are always looking for channel partners.  


Begin your cybersecurity journey, simply sign up. We will open our arsenal of tools, services and programs. Pick your battles !
Bespoke partner sessions for understanding the fundamentals of cybersecurity services from us. Understand pricing techniques and service offerings in detail.
Curate your own partnership models or choose from our popular models. Identify the best fit and complete the setup to get started.
Create your portfolio of services with assistance from our pre-sales teams. Identify the best services for your business and region.

GOT Q's ?

CBL has various types of partners for cybersecurity sales. Popular ones are being a channel partner or an affiliate partner. 

Cybersecurity sales is based on early adoption of a quickly changing landscape. The zeal to adopt the new in the interest of the customer is enough. An understanding in fundamental sales in different geographies will be certainly an advantage. 

All the services of CBL can be marketed and sold by partners. The services which require authorization such as QSA validation services, will be exclusively the discretion of  the CBL team. 

We are glad to have organizations and individuals become our partners. We hope to bring value to your professionalism to your customers, as we expect you to bring to ours.